============================================================================ Diagonal-covariance Gaussian observation model: Variational Bayesian Methods ============================================================================ Generative model ================ The diagonal Gaussian observation model generates each data vector :math:`x_n` of length D from a multivariate Gaussian with mean :math:`\mu_k \in \mathbb{R}^D` and a diagonal covariance matrix: .. math:: \begin{array}{c} x_{n1} \\ x_{n2} \\ \vdots \\ x_{nD} \end{array} \sim \mathcal{N} \left( \begin{array}{c c c c c} \mu_{k1} \\ \mu_{k2} \\ \vdots \\ \mu_{kD} \end{array} , \begin{array}{c c c c c} \lambda_{k1}^{-1} \\ & \lambda_{k2}^{-1} \\ & & \ddots \\ & & & & \lambda_{kD}^{-1} \end{array} \right) Global Random Variables ----------------------- The global random variables are the cluster-specific means and precisions (inverse variances). For each cluster *k*, we have the following global random variables: .. math:: \mu_{k1}, \mu_{k2}, \ldots \mu_{kD} &\qquad \mu_{kd} \in \mathbb{R} \\ \lambda_{k1}, \lambda_{k2}, \ldots \lambda_{kD} &\qquad \lambda_{kd} \in (0, +\infty) Local Random Variables ---------------------- Each dataset observation at index *n* has its own cluster assignment: .. math:: z_n \in \{1, 2, \ldots K \} The generative model and approximate posterior for :math:`z_n` is determined by an allocation model. For all computations needed by our current observation model, we'll assume either a point estimate or an approximate posterior for :math:`z_n` is known. Normal Wishart prior ==================== Each dimension *d* has a mean :math:`\mu_{kd}` and variance :math:`\lambda_{kd}` which have a joint univariate Normal-Wishart prior with scalar hyperparameters :math:`\bar{\nu}, \bar{\beta}_d` for the Wishart prior and then :math:`\bar{m}_d, \bar{\kappa}` for the Normal prior: .. math :: \lambda_{kd} &\sim \mathcal{W}_1(\bar{\nu}, \bar{\beta}_d) \\ \mu_{kd} &\sim \mathcal{N}_1(\bar{m}_d, \bar{\kappa}^{-1} \lambda_{kd}^{-1}) These are represented by the following numpy array attributes of the ``Prior`` parameter bag: * ``nu`` : float degrees of freedom * ``beta`` : 1D array, size D scale parameters that set mean of lambda * ``m`` : 1D array, size D mean of the parameter mu * ``kappa`` : float scalar precision of mu Several keyword arguments can be used to determine the values of the prior hyperparameters when calling bnpy.run * ``--nu`` : float Sets value of :math:`\bar{\nu}`. Defaults to D + 2. * ``--kappa`` : float Sets value of :math:`\bar{\kappa}`. Defaults to ???. * ``--ECovMat`` : str Determines the expected value of data covariance under the prior. Possible values include 'eye' and 'diagcovdata'. TODO * ``--sF`` : float These two options set the value of :math:`\bar{\beta}`. TODO. * TODO set m?? Approximate posterior ===================== We assume the following factorized approximate posterior family for variational optimization: .. math :: q(z, \mu, \lambda) = \prod_{n=1}^N q(z_n) \cdot \prod_{k=1}^K (\mu_k, \lambda_k ) The specific forms of the global and local factors are given below. Posterior for local assignments ------------------------------- For each observation vector at index *n*, we assume an independent approximate posterior over the assigned cluster indicator :math:`z_n \in \{1, 2, \ldots K \}`. .. math :: q( z ) &= \prod_{n=1}^N q(z_n | \hat{r}_n ) \\ &= \prod_{n=1}^N \mbox{Discrete}( z_n | \hat{r}_{n1}, \hat{r}_{n2}, \ldots \hat{r}_{nK}) Thus, for this observation model the only local variational parameter is the assignment responsibility array :math:`\hat{r} = \{ \{ \hat{r}_{nk} \}_{k=1}^K \}_{n=1}^N`. Inside the `LP` dict, this is represented by the `resp` numpy array: * ``resp`` : 2D array, size N x K Parameters of approximate posterior q(z) over cluster assignments. resp[n,k] = probability observation n is assigned to component k. Remember, all computations required by our observation model assume that the ``resp`` array is given. The actual values of ``resp`` are updated by an allocation model. Posterior for global parameters ------------------------------- The goal of variational optimization is to find the best approximate posterior distribution for the mean and precision parameters of each cluster *k*: .. math:: q( \mu, \lambda ) &= \prod_{k=1}^K \prod_{d=1}^D q( \mu_{kd}, \lambda_{kd} ) \\ &= \prod_{k=1}^K \prod_{d=1}^D \mathcal{W}_1( \lambda_{kd} | \hat{\nu}_k, \hat{\beta}_{kd} ) \mathcal{N}_1( \mu_{kd} | \hat{m}_{kd}, \hat{\kappa}_k^{-1} \lambda_{kd}^{-1} ) This approximate posterior is represented by the `Post` attribute of the `DiagGaussObsModel`. This is a ParamBag with the following attributes: * ``K`` : int number of active clusters * ``nu`` : 1D array, size K Defines :math:`\hat{\nu}_k` for each cluster * ``beta`` : 2D array, size K x D Defines :math:`\hat{\beta}_{kd}` for each cluster and dimension * ``m`` : 2D array, size K x D Defines :math:`\hat{m}_{kd}` for each cluster and dimension * ``kappa`` : 2D array, size K Defines :math:`\hat{\kappa}_{k}` for each cluster Objective function ------------------ Variational optimization will find the approximate posterior parameters that maximize the following objective function, given a fixed observed dataset :math:`x = \{x_1, \ldots x_N \}` and fixed prior hyparparameters :math:`\bar{\nu}, \bar{\beta}, \bar{m}, \bar{\kappa}`. .. math:: \mathcal{L}^{\smalltext{DiagGauss}}( \hat{\nu}, \hat{\beta}, \hat{m}, \hat{\kappa} ) &= -\frac{ND}{2} \log 2\pi \\ & \quad + \sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{d=1}^D c^{\smalltext{NW}}_{1,1}( \hat{\nu}_k, \hat{\beta}_{kd}, \hat{m}_{kd}, \hat{\kappa})_k - c^{\smalltext{NW}}_{1,1}( \bar{\nu}, \bar{\beta}_d, \bar{m}_d, \bar{\kappa}) \\ & \quad + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{d=1}^D \left( N_k(\hat{r}) + \bar{\nu} - \hat{\nu}_k \right) \E_q[ \log \lambda_{kd} ] \\ & \quad - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{d=1}^D \left( N_{k}(\hat{r}) + \bar{\kappa} - \hat{\kappa}_{k} \right) \E_q[ \lambda_{kd} ] \\ & \quad + \sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{d=1}^D \left( S_{kd}^{x}(x, \hat{r}) + \bar{\kappa} \bar{m}_d - \hat{\kappa}_k \hat{m}_{kd} \right) \E_q[ \lambda_{kd} \mu_{kd} ] \\ & \quad - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{d=1}^D \left( S_{kd}^{x^2}(x, \hat{r}) + \bar{\beta}_d + \bar{\kappa} \bar{m}_{d}^2 - \hat{\beta}_{kd} - \hat{\kappa}_{k} \hat{m}_{kd}^2 \right) \E_q[ \lambda_{kd} \mu_{kd}^2 ] This objective function is computed by calling the Python function ``calc_evidence``. Sufficient statistics --------------------- The sufficient statistics of this observation model are functions of the local parameters :math:`\hat{r}` and the observed data :math:`x`. .. math:: N_{k}(\hat{r}) &= \sum_{n=1}^N \hat{r}_{nk} \\ S^{x}_{kd}(x, \hat{r}) &= \sum_{n=1}^N \hat{r}_{nk} x_{nd}^2 \\ S^{x^2}_{kd}(x, \hat{r}) &= \sum_{n=1}^N \hat{r}_{nk} x_{nd}^2 These fields are stored within the sufficient statistics parameter bag ``SS`` as the following fields: * ``SS.N`` : 1D array, size K SS.N[k] = :math:`N_k` * ``SS.x`` : 2D array, size K x D SS.x[k,d] = :math:`S^{x}_{kd}(x, \hat{r})` * ``SS.xx`` : 2D array, size K x D SS.xx[k,d] = :math:`S^{x^2}_{kd}(x, \hat{r})` Cumulant function ----------------- The cumulant function of the univariate Normal-Wishart is evaluated for each dimension *d* separately. The function takes 4 scalar input arguments and produces a scalar output. .. math:: c^{\smalltext{NW}}_{1,1}(\nu, \beta_d, m_d, \kappa) &= \frac{1}{2} \log 2\pi - \frac{1}{2} \log \kappa - \frac{\nu}{2} \log \frac{\beta_d}{2} + \log \Gamma \left( \frac{\nu}{2} \right) Coordinate Ascent Updates ========================= Local step update ----------------- As with all observation models, the local step computes the *expected* log conditional probability of assigning each observation to each cluster: .. math :: \E[ \log p( x_n | \mu_k, \lambda_k ) ] = - \frac{D}{2} \log 2 \pi + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{d=1}^D \E[ \log \lambda_{kd} ] - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{d=1}^D \E[ \lambda_{kd} (x_{nd} - \mu_{kd})^2 ] where the elementary expectations required are: .. math :: \E[ \log \lambda_{kd} ] &= \psi \left( \frac{\hat{\nu}_k}{2} \right) - \log \frac{\hat{\beta}_{kd}}{2} \\ \E_q \left[ \lambda_{kd} (x_{nd} - \mu_{kd})^2 \right] &= \frac{1}{\hat{\kappa}_{k}} + \frac{ \hat{\nu}_k }{ \hat{\beta}_{kd} } (x_{nd} - \hat{m}_{kd})^2 In our implementation, this is done via the function ``calc_local_params``, which computes the following arrays and places them inside the local parameter dict ``LP``. * ``E_log_soft_ev`` : 2D array, N x K log probability of assigning each observation n to each cluster k Global step update ------------------ The global step update produces an updated approximate posterior over the global random variables. Concretely, this means updated values for each field of the ``Post`` ParamBag attribute of the DiagGaussObsModel. .. math :: \hat{\nu}_k &\gets N_k(\hat{r}) + \bar{\nu} \\ \hat{\kappa}_k &\gets N_k(\hat{r}) + \bar{\kappa} \\ \hat{m}_{kd} &\gets \frac{1}{\hat{\kappa}_k} \left( S_k^{x}(x, \hat{r}) + \bar{\kappa} \bar{m}_d \right) \\ \hat{\beta}_{kd} &\gets S_{kd}^{x^2}(x, \hat{r}) + \bar{\beta}_d + \bar{\kappa} \bar{m}_d^2 - \hat{\kappa}_k \hat{m}_{kd}^2 Our implementation performs this update when calling the function ``update_global_params``. Initialization ============== Initialization creates valid values of the parameters which define the approximate posterior over the global random variables. Concretely, this means it creates a valid setting of the ``Post`` attribute of the DiagGaussObsModel object. TODO