

bnpy requires Python 3.6+ (or 2.7+) and the following packages:

  • numpy >= 1.11

  • scipy >= 0.18

  • pandas >= 0.18

  • Cython >= 0.25

  • joblib >= 0.10

  • memory_profiler >= 0.41

  • munkres >= 1.0

  • numexpr >= 2.6

  • psutil >= 5.0

  • scikit_learn >= 0.18

For interactivity and visualization, we also recommend:

  • ipython >= 5.1

  • matplotlib >= 1.5

Easy installation of bnpy

First, make sure you have a working local install of the Anaconda python distribution, which makes managing common Python packages within userspace a breeze.

Then, you can just clone the latest stable version of bnpy via:

git clone

And then install from the cloned source via:

cd bnpy/
pip install -e .

Verifying correct installation

Within a terminal, you can first verify basic installation with:

python -m bnpy.Run --help

You can further train a very simple model:

python -m bnpy.Run \
        DATASET_PATH/faithful/faithful.csv \
        FiniteMixtureModel Gauss VB --nLap 1 --K 3

To further verify matplotlib installation, enter:

from matplotlib import pylab

Advanced Installation

Some of bnpy’s advanced features require compiling custom C++ source code for fast algorithms. These aren’t needed for basic usage, but do come in handy.

Installing with Eigen C++ libraries

The Eigen C++ Matrix template library (>=3.0) is used for:

  • fast local step updates for hidden Markov models

  • fast local step updates for L-sparse mixtures

If you want these features, go download and install Eigen from

To install bnpy with Eigen support, you need to set the following environment variable:

export EIGENPATH=/path/to/eigen/

You can verify the right location by verifying the following directory exists:

ls $EIGENPATH/Eigen/

If the $EIGENPATH env variable is set when you perform pip install, the required C++ libraries should be built and useful automatically.

Installing with Boost C++ math libraries

The Boost C++ math library (>= 1.52) is used for the following features:

  • fast local step updates for L-sparse topic models

If you want these features, go download and install boost from

To install bnpy with Boost C++ support, you need to set the following environment variable:

export BOOSTMATHPATH=/path/to/boost/include/

You can verify the right location by verifying the following directory exists:


If the $BOOSTMATHPATH env variable is set when you perform pip install, the required C++ libraries should be built and useful automatically.

Common errors with matplotlib

If you try the above and get errors about not having “wx” or “wxpython” or “qt” installed, you need to configure your Matplotlib_backend.

I recommend setting your matplotlibrc file to have backend: TkAgg for Linux, and backend: MacOSX for Mac.