Warm Starting from a Previously Trained Mixture of Gaussians

Here, we show how to “warm start” from an existing model.

This may be useful for several situations, such as:

  • An “online” setting, where you have gained some additional data, and wish to apply a previous model without starting from scratch.

  • You wish to take a previous run which might not have converged and train for several more laps (aka epochs or passes thru full data).

  • You wish to try a slightly different model (alternative prior hyperparameters, etc.) or a slightly different algorithm, and see if the previously discovered solution is still preferred.

The existing model should be saved on disk, in BNPy format.

Any previous call to bnpy.run that specifies a valid output_path will produce a file of the required format.

The key idea to warm starting with BNPy is that you can specify the full path of the desired previous training run as the “initname” keyword argument when you call bnpy.run:

bnpy.run(…, initname=’/path/to/previous_training_output/’, …)

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 4

import bnpy
import numpy as np
import os

from matplotlib import pylab
import seaborn as sns

FIG_SIZE = (3, 3)
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = FIG_SIZE

Read bnpy’s built-in “AsteriskK8” dataset from file.

5000 examples, each one a 2D point

dataset_path = os.path.join(bnpy.DATASET_PATH, 'AsteriskK8')
dataset = bnpy.data.XData.read_npz(
    os.path.join(dataset_path, 'x_dataset.npz'))

Make a simple plot of the raw data

pylab.plot(dataset.X[:, 0], dataset.X[:, 1], 'k.')
pylab.gca().set_xlim([-2, 2])
pylab.gca().set_ylim([-2, 2])
plot 04 demo=vb warm start from existing model model=dp mix+gauss

Cold-start model training

Let’s do one single run of the VB algorithm.

Using 10 clusters and the ‘randexamples’ initialization procedure.

cold_start_model, cold_info_dict = bnpy.run(
    dataset, 'FiniteMixtureModel', 'Gauss', 'VB',
    sF=0.1, ECovMat='eye',
Dataset Summary:
X Data
  num examples: 5000
  num dims: 2
Allocation Model:  Finite mixture model. Dir prior param 1.00
Obs. Data  Model:  Gaussian with full covariance.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Gauss-Wishart on mean and covar of each cluster
  E[  mean[k] ] =
   [0. 0.]
  E[ covar[k] ] =
  [[0.1 0. ]
   [0.  0.1]]
  initname = randexamples
  K = 10 (number of clusters)
  seed = 1607680
  elapsed_time: 0.0 sec
Learn Alg: VB | task  1/1 | alg. seed: 1607680 | data order seed: 8541952
task_output_path: /tmp/AsteriskK8/coldstart-K=10/1
        1/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  6.582634775e-01 |
        2/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  4.350235353e-01 | Ndiff   68.926
        3/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  3.454096950e-01 | Ndiff  193.565
        4/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  3.049230819e-01 | Ndiff  175.237
        5/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.732439109e-01 | Ndiff  108.630
        6/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.326372999e-01 | Ndiff   42.961
        7/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.100254570e-01 | Ndiff    9.814
        8/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.097453779e-01 | Ndiff   10.216
        9/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.094741199e-01 | Ndiff   10.608
       10/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.091535256e-01 | Ndiff   11.009
       11/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.087740779e-01 | Ndiff   11.403
       12/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.083262051e-01 | Ndiff   11.781
       13/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.078022512e-01 | Ndiff   12.135
       14/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.072001819e-01 | Ndiff   12.449
       15/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.065288318e-01 | Ndiff   12.706
       16/25 after      0 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.058118708e-01 | Ndiff   12.883
       17/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.050844132e-01 | Ndiff   12.951
       18/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.043795824e-01 | Ndiff   12.873
       19/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.037146182e-01 | Ndiff   12.598
       20/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.030678434e-01 | Ndiff   12.069
       21/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.022621299e-01 | Ndiff   11.232
       22/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.008648784e-01 | Ndiff   10.057
       23/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.002168334e-01 | Ndiff    8.536
       24/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.995420809e-01 | Ndiff    8.587
       25/25 after      1 sec. |    204.1 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.988594991e-01 | Ndiff    9.312
... done. not converged. max laps thru data exceeded.

Setup helper method to visualize clusters

Here’s a short function to show how clusters evolve during training.

def show_clusters_over_time(
        query_laps=[0, 1, 2, 5, 10, None],
    ''' Read model snapshots from provided folder and make visualizations

    Post Condition
    New matplotlib plot with some nice pictures.
    ncols = int(np.ceil(len(query_laps) // float(nrows)))
    fig_handle, ax_handle_list = pylab.subplots(
        figsize=(FIG_SIZE[0] * ncols, FIG_SIZE[1] * nrows),
        nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True)
    for plot_id, lap_val in enumerate(query_laps):
        cur_model, lap_val = bnpy.load_model_at_lap(task_output_path, lap_val)
        # Plot the current model
        cur_ax_handle = ax_handle_list.flatten()[plot_id]
            cur_model, Data=dataset, ax_handle=cur_ax_handle)
        cur_ax_handle.set_xticks([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2])
        cur_ax_handle.set_yticks([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2])
        cur_ax_handle.set_xlabel("lap: %d" % lap_val)
        cur_ax_handle.set_xlim([-2, 2])
        cur_ax_handle.set_ylim([-2, 2])

Visualize cold start

Show the estimated clusters throughout training from cold

plot 04 demo=vb warm start from existing model model=dp mix+gauss
SKIPPED 1 comps with size below 0.00

Warm-start model training

Let’s now do a warm-started single run of the VB algorithm.

We’ll apply the same data and the same prior hyperparameters.

Using the previous cold-start training’s final model, as saved in its task_output_path.

Remember that the cold-start training saves its final model in directory specified by cold_info_dict[‘task_output_path’]

warm_start_model, warm_info_dict = bnpy.run(
    dataset, 'FiniteMixtureModel', 'Gauss', 'VB',
    sF=0.1, ECovMat='eye',
Dataset Summary:
X Data
  num examples: 5000
  num dims: 2
Allocation Model:  Finite mixture model. Dir prior param 1.00
Obs. Data  Model:  Gaussian with full covariance.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Gauss-Wishart on mean and covar of each cluster
  E[  mean[k] ] =
   [0. 0.]
  E[ covar[k] ] =
  [[0.1 0. ]
   [0.  0.1]]
  initname = /tmp/AsteriskK8/coldstart-K=10/1
  K = 6 (number of clusters)
  seed = 1607680
  elapsed_time: 0.0 sec
Learn Alg: VB | task  1/1 | alg. seed: 1607680 | data order seed: 8541952
task_output_path: /tmp/AsteriskK8/warmstart-K=10/1
        1/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.982035545e-01 |
        2/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.974254707e-01 | Ndiff   10.598
        3/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.966834121e-01 | Ndiff   11.131
        4/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.964267444e-01 | Ndiff   11.549
        5/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.961250819e-01 | Ndiff   11.802
        6/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.957730227e-01 | Ndiff   11.830
        7/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.953666781e-01 | Ndiff   11.565
        8/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.949058031e-01 | Ndiff   10.930
        9/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.943977009e-01 | Ndiff    9.860
       10/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.938623040e-01 | Ndiff    8.334
       11/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.933345511e-01 | Ndiff    6.449
       12/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.928570776e-01 | Ndiff    4.458
       13/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.924667495e-01 | Ndiff    2.727
       14/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.921899371e-01 | Ndiff    1.530
       15/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.919922352e-01 | Ndiff    0.873
       16/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.916267958e-01 | Ndiff    0.492
       17/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.909787395e-01 | Ndiff    0.045
... done. converged.

Visualize warm start

Show the estimated clusters throughout training from warm

We’ll see that not much changes (since the init was already pretty good)

plot 04 demo=vb warm start from existing model model=dp mix+gauss
SKIPPED 1 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 1 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 2 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 2 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 2 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00

Warm-start with different algorithm

We can apply a different algorithm to the same warm initialization.

Here, we’ll do stochastic VB (soVB) which divides the data into 100 batches at random (each ~50 examples) and processes one batch at a time with learning rate rho that decays with step t as:

rho(t) <- (1 + t)^(-0.55)

warm_stoch_model, warm_stoch_info_dict = bnpy.run(
    dataset, 'FiniteMixtureModel', 'Gauss', 'soVB',
    nLap=5, nTask=1, nBatch=500,
    rhoexp=0.55, rhodelay=1,
    sF=0.1, ECovMat='eye',
Dataset Summary:
X Data
  total size: 5000 units
  batch size: 10 units
  num. batches: 500
Allocation Model:  Finite mixture model. Dir prior param 1.00
Obs. Data  Model:  Gaussian with full covariance.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Gauss-Wishart on mean and covar of each cluster
  E[  mean[k] ] =
   [0. 0.]
  E[ covar[k] ] =
  [[0.1 0. ]
   [0.  0.1]]
  initname = /tmp/AsteriskK8/coldstart-K=10/1
  K = 6 (number of clusters)
  seed = 1607680
  elapsed_time: 0.0 sec
Learn Alg: soVB | task  1/1 | alg. seed: 1607680 | data order seed: 8541952
task_output_path: /tmp/AsteriskK8/warmstart-K=10-alg=soVB/1
    0.002/5 after      0 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  3.858767609e+01 |  lrate 0.6830
    0.004/5 after      0 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.242266228e+01 |  lrate 0.5465
    0.006/5 after      0 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.622381779e+01 |  lrate 0.4665
    1.000/5 after      4 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.109950213e+01 |  lrate 0.0327
    2.000/5 after      7 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.987460885e-01 |  lrate 0.0224
    3.000/5 after     11 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  2.007048846e-01 |  lrate 0.0179
    4.000/5 after     15 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.954946047e-01 |  lrate 0.0153
    5.000/5 after     18 sec. |    207.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.958695470e-01 |  lrate 0.0135
... active. not converged.

Visualize stochastic VB from a warm start

Show the estimated clusters throughout training from warm

plot 04 demo=vb warm start from existing model model=dp mix+gauss
SKIPPED 1 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00

Warm-start with different model: DP mixture model

We can apply a different model to the same warm initialization.

Here, we’ll apply a Dirichlet Process (DP) mixture model and use the memoized VB algorithm with birth and merge proposals.

warm_proposals_model, warm_proposals_info_dict = bnpy.run(
    dataset, 'DPMixtureModel', 'Gauss', 'memoVB',
    nLap=100, nTask=1, nBatch=1,
    sF=0.1, ECovMat='eye',
    m_startLap=5, b_startLap=2, b_Kfresh=4)
Dataset Summary:
X Data
  total size: 5000 units
  batch size: 5000 units
  num. batches: 1
Allocation Model:  DP mixture with K=0. Concentration gamma0= 1.00
Obs. Data  Model:  Gaussian with full covariance.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Gauss-Wishart on mean and covar of each cluster
  E[  mean[k] ] =
   [0. 0.]
  E[ covar[k] ] =
  [[0.1 0. ]
   [0.  0.1]]
  initname = /tmp/AsteriskK8/coldstart-K=10/1
  K = 6 (number of clusters)
  seed = 1607680
  elapsed_time: 0.0 sec
Learn Alg: memoVB | task  1/1 | alg. seed: 1607680 | data order seed: 8541952
task_output_path: /tmp/AsteriskK8/warmstart-dp_mix-alg=memo_birth_merge/1
BIRTH @ lap 1.00: Disabled. Waiting for lap >= 2 (--b_startLap).
MERGE @ lap 1.00: Disabled. Cannot plan merge on first lap. Need valid SS that represent whole dataset.
    1.000/100 after      0 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss  1.965595456e-01 |
MERGE @ lap 2.00: Disabled. Waiting for lap >= 5 (--m_startLap).
BIRTH @ lap 2.00 : Added 4 states. 1/8 succeeded. 7/8 failed eval phase. 0/8 failed build phase.
    2.000/100 after      1 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   14 | loss -4.287337941e-03 |
MERGE @ lap 3.00: Disabled. Waiting for lap >= 5 (--m_startLap).
BIRTH @ lap 3.00 : Added 0 states. 0/6 succeeded. 5/6 failed eval phase. 1/6 failed build phase.
    3.000/100 after      2 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   14 | loss -2.714086945e-02 | Ndiff   44.963
MERGE @ lap 4.00: Disabled. Waiting for lap >= 5 (--m_startLap).
BIRTH @ lap 4.00 : Added 0 states. 0/6 succeeded. 5/6 failed eval phase. 1/6 failed build phase.
    4.000/100 after      2 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   14 | loss -2.825422926e-02 | Ndiff   12.358
BIRTH @ lap 5.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 14 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 5.00 : 4/24 accepted. Ndiff 201.07. 7 skipped.
    5.000/100 after      3 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K   10 | loss -3.979560426e-02 | Ndiff   12.358
BIRTH @ lap 6.000 : None attempted. 1 past failures. 0 too small. 9 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 6.00 : 2/15 accepted. Ndiff 269.36. 5 skipped.
    6.000/100 after      3 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787959362e-02 | Ndiff   12.358
BIRTH @ lap 7.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 8 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 7.00 : 0/8 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
    7.000/100 after      3 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.001
BIRTH @ lap 8.00 : Added 0 states. 0/1 succeeded. 1/1 failed eval phase. 0/1 failed build phase.
MERGE @ lap 8.00 : 0/2 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
    8.000/100 after      3 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
MERGE @ lap 9.00: No promising candidates, so no attempts.
BIRTH @ lap 9.00 : Added 0 states. 0/2 succeeded. 2/2 failed eval phase. 0/2 failed build phase.
    9.000/100 after      4 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 10.000 : None attempted. 3 past failures. 0 too small. 5 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 10.00 : 0/10 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   10.000/100 after      4 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 11.000 : None attempted. 2 past failures. 0 too small. 6 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 11.00 : 0/8 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   11.000/100 after      4 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 12.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 8 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 12.00 : 0/8 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   12.000/100 after      4 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 13.000 : None attempted. 5 past failures. 0 too small. 3 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 13.00 : 0/2 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   13.000/100 after      4 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
MERGE @ lap 14.00: No promising candidates, so no attempts.
BIRTH @ lap 14.000 : None attempted. 8 past failures. 0 too small. 0 too busy.
   14.000/100 after      4 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 15.000 : None attempted. 3 past failures. 0 too small. 5 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 15.00 : 0/10 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   15.000/100 after      4 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 16.000 : None attempted. 2 past failures. 0 too small. 6 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 16.00 : 0/8 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   16.000/100 after      5 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 17.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 8 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 17.00 : 0/8 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   17.000/100 after      5 sec. |    205.9 MiB | K    8 | loss -4.787962433e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
... done. converged.

Visualize warm start with proposals

plot 04 demo=vb warm start from existing model model=dp mix+gauss
SKIPPED 1 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 1 comps with size below 0.00

Incorporating additional data

Suppose we were to observe a few new examples (shown in red) in addition to the original data

rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
new_x = rng.multivariate_normal(
    [1.0, 1.0],
    0.2 * np.eye(2),
combined_dataset = bnpy.data.XData(np.vstack([dataset.X, new_x]))

pylab.plot(combined_dataset.X[:, 0], combined_dataset.X[:, 1], 'r.')
pylab.plot(dataset.X[:, 0], dataset.X[:, 1], 'k.')
pylab.gca().set_xlim([-2, 2])
pylab.gca().set_ylim([-2, 2])
plot 04 demo=vb warm start from existing model model=dp mix+gauss

Warm-start with additional data

We can initialize from previous “warm started” DP mixture model and apply this model to our expanded dataset. We should see that it discovers an additional cluster of red examples in the upper right quadrant.

extra_data_proposals_model, extra_data_proposals_info_dict = bnpy.run(
    combined_dataset, 'DPMixtureModel', 'Gauss', 'memoVB',
    nLap=100, nTask=1, nBatch=1,
    sF=0.1, ECovMat='eye',
    m_startLap=5, b_startLap=0, b_Kfresh=4)
Dataset Summary:
X Data
  total size: 5100 units
  batch size: 5100 units
  num. batches: 1
Allocation Model:  DP mixture with K=0. Concentration gamma0= 1.00
Obs. Data  Model:  Gaussian with full covariance.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Gauss-Wishart on mean and covar of each cluster
  E[  mean[k] ] =
   [0. 0.]
  E[ covar[k] ] =
  [[0.1 0. ]
   [0.  0.1]]
  initname = /tmp/AsteriskK8/warmstart-dp_mix-alg=memo_birth_merge/1
  K = 6 (number of clusters)
  seed = 1607680
  elapsed_time: 0.0 sec
Learn Alg: memoVB | task  1/1 | alg. seed: 1607680 | data order seed: 8541952
task_output_path: /tmp/AsteriskK8_with_extra/warmstart-dp_mix-alg=memo_birth_merge/1
MERGE @ lap 1.00: Disabled. Cannot plan merge on first lap. Need valid SS that represent whole dataset.
BIRTH @ lap 1.00 : Added 12 states. 3/8 succeeded. 5/8 failed eval phase. 0/8 failed build phase.
    1.000/100 after      1 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K   20 | loss  6.188952141e-02 |
MERGE @ lap 2.00: Disabled. Waiting for lap >= 5 (--m_startLap).
BIRTH @ lap 2.00 : Added 0 states. 0/12 succeeded. 5/12 failed eval phase. 7/12 failed build phase.
    2.000/100 after      2 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K   20 | loss  5.493794397e-02 | Ndiff   15.359
MERGE @ lap 3.00: Disabled. Waiting for lap >= 5 (--m_startLap).
BIRTH @ lap 3.00 : Added 0 states. 0/10 succeeded. 4/10 failed eval phase. 6/10 failed build phase.
    3.000/100 after      3 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K   20 | loss  5.282671201e-02 | Ndiff    7.714
MERGE @ lap 4.00: Disabled. Waiting for lap >= 5 (--m_startLap).
BIRTH @ lap 4.00 : Added 0 states. 0/10 succeeded. 5/10 failed eval phase. 5/10 failed build phase.
    4.000/100 after      4 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K   20 | loss  5.194735563e-02 | Ndiff    5.792
BIRTH @ lap 5.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 20 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 5.00 : 6/35 accepted. Ndiff 419.39. 12 skipped.
    5.000/100 after      4 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K   14 | loss  3.509372470e-02 | Ndiff    5.792
BIRTH @ lap 6.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 14 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 6.00 : 1/29 accepted. Ndiff 4.78. 2 skipped.
    6.000/100 after      5 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K   13 | loss  3.175746261e-02 | Ndiff    5.792
BIRTH @ lap 7.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 13 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 7.00 : 4/10 accepted. Ndiff 576.80. 14 skipped.
    7.000/100 after      5 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.224185972e-02 | Ndiff    5.792
BIRTH @ lap 8.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 9 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 8.00 : 0/14 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
    8.000/100 after      5 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.176655752e-02 | Ndiff    0.977
BIRTH @ lap 9.000 : None attempted. 4 past failures. 0 too small. 5 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 9.00 : 0/6 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
    9.000/100 after      6 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175688328e-02 | Ndiff    0.458
BIRTH @ lap 10.00 : Added 0 states. 0/3 succeeded. 3/3 failed eval phase. 0/3 failed build phase.
MERGE @ lap 10.00 : 0/14 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   10.000/100 after      6 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175623885e-02 | Ndiff    0.159
BIRTH @ lap 11.00 : Added 0 states. 0/1 succeeded. 1/1 failed eval phase. 0/1 failed build phase.
MERGE @ lap 11.00 : 0/2 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   11.000/100 after      6 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175619144e-02 | Ndiff    0.050
MERGE @ lap 12.00: No promising candidates, so no attempts.
BIRTH @ lap 12.000 : None attempted. 9 past failures. 0 too small. 0 too busy.
   12.000/100 after      6 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175618782e-02 | Ndiff    0.015
BIRTH @ lap 13.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 9 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 13.00 : 0/14 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   13.000/100 after      7 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175618753e-02 | Ndiff    0.004
BIRTH @ lap 14.000 : None attempted. 4 past failures. 0 too small. 5 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 14.00 : 0/6 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   14.000/100 after      7 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175618751e-02 | Ndiff    0.001
BIRTH @ lap 15.000 : None attempted. 3 past failures. 0 too small. 6 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 15.00 : 0/14 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   15.000/100 after      7 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175618751e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 16.000 : None attempted. 6 past failures. 0 too small. 3 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 16.00 : 0/2 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   16.000/100 after      7 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175618751e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
MERGE @ lap 17.00: No promising candidates, so no attempts.
BIRTH @ lap 17.000 : None attempted. 9 past failures. 0 too small. 0 too busy.
   17.000/100 after      7 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175618751e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
BIRTH @ lap 18.000 : None attempted. 0 past failures. 0 too small. 9 too busy.
MERGE @ lap 18.00 : 0/14 accepted. Ndiff 0.00. 0 skipped.
   18.000/100 after      7 sec. |    208.1 MiB | K    9 | loss  1.175618751e-02 | Ndiff    0.000
... done. converged.

Visualize clusters discovered on expanded dataset

plot 04 demo=vb warm start from existing model model=dp mix+gauss
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 3 comps with size below 0.00
SKIPPED 1 comps with size below 0.00

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 35.070 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery